What do all the settings in the Info Tab mean?

Many of the tour settings can be found on the Info tab of the tour editor. We commonly get asked what each of these settings mean. This article will walk you through each of the settings.

How do I access the Info Tab? 

To access the info tab click edit on your tour, this will open your tour editor.


You'll see a number of tabs labeled Info, Images/Video, Flyer, Music. This article will focus on the first tab labeled Info. 


 Let's go through what each option means! 

Tour Order Info

  • Customer - Agent assigned to tour
  • Co-Customer - Optional secondary agent assigned to tour
  • Photographer - If you have photographer management enabled, you can assign a specific photographer to the tour
  • Shoot Date/Time - The date and time requested within the order form for a photo shoot
  • Shoot Duration - How long the photo shoot will last
  • Invoice # - if you have invoicing enabled, you can enter the invoice number here as well as attach a copy of the invoice

Internal Notes

  • Tour Notes - Internal notes for the provider/photographer to see, generally information regarding the shoot request details.
  • Customer Notes - Internal notes you have listed in the Customer Account. 

Property Address

  • Address Line 1 - House name/number and street, PO Box
  • Address Line 2 - Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
  • Town/City - Town/City
  • State - State
  • Zip Code - Zip Code
  • Country - Country

Listing Information

  • Property Details (only visible in HTML5 designs and Flyers)
    • Price
    • # Bedrooms
    • # Bathrooms
    • Floor Area
    • Lot Size
    • Year Built
    • Property Type
    • Open House
  • MLS Service - Select the MLS service for this listing
  • MLS Number - Enter in the MLS number provided for this listing. If unknown, enter TBD. Once the MLS number has been entered, the tour will automatically syndicate to Realtor.com
  • Property Status
  • Tour Title - Appears on the tab within the browser. Defaults to the listing address. If you would like something different, enter it here.
  • Heading 1 - Displays prominently at the top of the tour in the colored bar.
  • Heading 2 - Displays just below heading 1, in slightly smaller font.
* To display heading in Slick and Lattice both heading 1 &2 need to be field up
  • Description - Use this space to enter detailed property information. This text will show up in the "more info" section of the tour.

Tour Setup

  • Custom Tour Domain - this allows tours to display as tours.yourdomain.com/12345. Read our CNAME Setup Guide here. If you would like help with this, contact support@tourbuzz.net. If you choose, you can use the default domain - tours.tourbuzz.net. You can also specify if this domain is MLS/IDX Compliant.
  • Sponsor - by default, this is you and will show "Produced By Your Name." This information is shown at the bottom of the tour. Sponsors can be set globally, per customer, or per tour.
  • Design - You can preview and/or edit your design and select a different design for each tour.
  • Flyer Template - You can select and set between our 4 flyer templates.
  • Password Protect - add a password to your tour so it can only be accessed by selected viewers
  • Panning Speed - number of seconds it takes for a full 360 rotation (smaller is faster)
  • Panning Duration - number of seconds to display pano before auto-advancing to next slide
  • Video Slideshow Mode - Ken Burn's Effect. Adds motion to your still images
  • Video Slideshow Program Mode - the style in which your images will move (zoom in, zoom out, random, etc)
  • Letterbox Correction
  • Minimum Aspect Ratio
  • Maximum Aspect Ratio
  • Slideshow Transition - the style in which your tour moves from image to image (fade in, fade out, etc.) 
  • Slideshow Time - How many seconds each slide will show before progressing to the next.
  • Autoplay Tour - Specifies whether the tour begins immediately on page load.
  • Initial Floorplan Mode - If a floor plan has been added, you can set it to show immediately, hide until clicked, or hide initially and then pop over after the first image has been shown. This works well if you plan on starting with an exterior shot, and then showing photos of the home's interior with a floor plan to guide.
  • Display Media on Hotspot Rollover - Specifies whether the image associated with the hotspot will appear on the floor plan.
  • Send to Friend - Shows an "email tour" option to appear in the tour's menu.
  • Show Other Tours - Shows a link to other tours the customer has.
  • Show School Info - Shows school information according to the zip code that has been added to the tour
  • Custom Schools URL - Will override the standard school information
  • Show Map - Shows a link containing the Google Map of the listing location
  • Show Walk Score - Walk Score provided under a neighborhood link, according to the zip code
  • Show Printable Flyer - Shows a link to the flyer (see information on creating flyers here)
  • Gallery Visibility - Shows/hides a link for the photo gallery of images.
  • Custom Flyer URL - Optionally overrides the standard flyer with your own link. If no branded link is provided then the unbranded link will be used for both flyers
  • Custom Link #1 - Include a custom link on your tour. Leave the branded or unbranded URL empty to hide the link on the branded/unbranded tour respectively. If you enter a Matterport link here and choose "Open link in a popup box", the tour will automatically launch the Matterport tour when loaded.
  • Custom Link #2 - Include a second custom link on your tour. Leave the branded or unbranded URL empty to hide the link on the branded/unbranded tour respectively
  • 3D Tour - Matterport, RealVision, & iGuide supported. If you do not want your 3D tour opened in a popup box in Zephyr or Fit, enter the 3D link in the custom link field. *RealVision & iGuide currently unsupported in Silk

Client Panel Options

  • Allow Tour Editing - gives the customer permission to edit basic information on the tour (renaming/rearranging images, changing the music, adding MLS information and custom links)
  • Allow Media Uploads - gives the customer permission to add additional images, panoramas, and/or videos to the tour.
  • Allow Photo Downloads - gives the customer permission to download the tour images, including floor plans.
  • MLS Photo Resizing Policy - this setting determines how the images will be adjusted when resizing them to fit the specified MLS dimensions.
  • Allow Print Quality Image Downloads - We will retain your original image files for one year after they are uploaded. Turning this on, will allow the customer to download the original, print quality images (but only for up to one year).
  • Print Quality Behavior - this setting specifies how print quality images are stored.
  • Allow Video Downloads - gives the customer permission to download video files from the tour.
  • Allow Panorama Downloads - gives the customer permission to download panorama files from the tour.
  • Zip Download Subfolder Delimiter - place images in sub-folders based on the presence of delimiter in media names, ex. Unit 101/Foyer. *This option is rarely used. 


  • Creation Date - Date and time the tour was first created
  • Modification Date - Date and time the tour was last edited
  • Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the tour. Deactivating the tour will make the tour links and downloading capabilities no longer available.
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