How do I delete multiple images from a tour?
You may need to delete more than one, or all the photos on a tour to make an adjustment. There is an easy way to do this on the image/video tab on your tour editor. Follow the instructions below to learn how to do this.
Only Providers can delete images
The following support article covers how Providers/Photographers can delete images. Agents/clients cannot delete images via the Client Panel. For more information about what your clients can do via the Control Panel, see the following documentation:
- 1
Select the Images/Video Tab within your tour editor
- 2
Scroll to the bottom to your Tour Images
- 3
Click on an image.
A red box should now outline the image
- 4
Select all the images you'd like to delete
Hold Shift or control (command if on a Mac) on your keyboard then select the remaining images
- 5
Scroll up and click on Delete Selected