Vignette is a video-centric single property web experience! It was created for people who deliver a property video as their primary medium and would like to make the video the focal point of the tour. While the focus of Vignette is highlighting the hero video, Vignette supports all additional supporting media types. Additionally, it provides a modern, sleek, single property marketing website experience
We understand the modern home buyer needs more than stimulating images to drive interest in the home. Other factors, such as schools and businesses within walking distance, are an example of how integration between data and beautiful imagery can deliver value. Vignette seamlessly blends these needs together in an easy to consume presentation that is responsive and mobile-friendly.
Vignette Key Features
- Single page experience with a video hero
- Fully responsive and mobile-friendly
- Ability to add artistic wording overlay to the Hero Video
- Supports all media types: still images, videos, panoramas, Matterport 3D, and floor plans
- Design options that control the presentation style.
- Ability to display persistent shortcut bar across the bottom of the browser window.
- Control the visibility of the media content
- Display media content inline
- Display media content in pop-over modal
- Ability to control photo media transition style
- New inline form to contact agent
- Simple color selection. All you have to do is pick the primary color and do we the rest.
Please Note
If you make changes in a design, these changes will affect all the tours to which that design is assigned. To avoid changing any old tours please duplicate the design and give it a specific name.
Customization Options
“If you make changes in a design, these changes will affect all the tours to which that design is assigned. To avoid changing any old tours please duplicate the design and give it a specific name.”
Options Defined
This can be anything you’d like. For example, if you needed to create a new Vignette option to reflect the colors of Keller William, you can set the nickname to “Vignette [Keller Williams]” to make it easily stand out
This design provides several color customization options to create designs unique to you and your clients. You can find out more on how to utilize these settings here.
Base Font
This setting defines what font will be reflected throughout the page.
Media Layout
We have two styles, the first displays all the media sections inline in the design and the second creates media section areas
Hero Display Content
This setting allows you to define whether video and all images appear in the highlight reel, or just simply the video.
Video subsection content
This setting allows you to define where the video appears. You can set it to only show at the top (hero) or you can choose to have it appear in the Video section below.
Shortcut Bar
This setting allows you to display a persistent shortcut bar across the bottom of the browser window
Headlines and color overlay in Highlight Reel
This setting allows you to show or hide the Header and color overlay within the highlight reel video
Image Name Visibility
This setting lets you define whether the image titles/description will appear within the image slideshow
Font Size of image name/description in slideshow
This setting lets you define the size (small, medium, large) of the font size displayed within the slideshow portion of the tour page
Location of image name/description visibility in slideshow
This setting lets you define the location of where the image titles/description will appear within the image slideshow
Slideshow Transition
Here you have several options with how you would like the transition between photos to appear.
Highlight reel transition
If you have the Hero Carousel set to Full, this setting will define the transition between those images.
Static or animated open house banner
This setting will allow you to choose whether the open house banner is static at the top of the design, or flashes every few seconds.
Set Order of Content Settings
This setting allows you to control how content appears
Set Letterboxing of Media in the Highlight Reel
Allows the highlight reel to be letterboxed when 'video slideshow mode' is off.
Visibility of Image Numbers in Highlight Reel
This setting lets you define whether the image counter will appear within the highlight reel.
Visibility of 'Drag to Explore | Scroll to Zoom' Panorama Dialog Box
Show / Hide panorama dialog box.