How to Access a Tour "Awaiting Payment"

Have you received an "awaiting payment" notification letting you know that your tour is ready but awaiting a payment? If so, you'll need to complete the following steps to review your images and pay for your tour. 

The first thing you'll want to do is click the link that has been provided in the email:


If you are not already logged in, you will be taken to the login screen where you can enter your username and password. 

Once you log in, you'll be brought directly to a "review media" page, where you will see thumbnails of your images for review. If all looks good, click Pay Now to enter your card information.

If you have a card on file, you may use that, or you can select Add a New Card.

Enter payment info & click Pay. You can then choose to save this new card to file, save it as your default payment method, or revert back to using a card that is already on file.

After successfully submitting your payment, click Continue to Tour Dashboard to access your tour and/or images.

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