How to do a Immersive 3D tour with Matterport Photos

If you don't have a Ricoh camera and would like to use your Matterport camera to upload to an Immersive 3D tour, here are the steps you will need to take. 

When using the Matterport camera, you have to create one regular model scan. 

  • From there, go into edit, select the 360 Pano option, and all your Panos will be listed there. 
  • Select the little icon in the lower right part of the icon on each pano (one at a time)
  • Then, hit the camera icon. Make sure you have the panorama option selected.
  • Straighten the view out so that walls are vertical
  • Snap the photo
  • Do that for each pano.
  • Then go to the photos option on the left.
  • Go to each captured panorama and select the download icon.


If you want to use the UIMeet3D, you will still need to upload your Matterport images through the immersive 3D tour and create a tour. It will not work on the 3D URL.

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