Personal Flyer

If you want to use their own custom flyer rather than the one your provider supplies, you can easily add a custom flyer link in your client panel. For best practice, make sure that you have uploaded their flyer to Google Drive or Dropbox and have a link to your flyer before completing the steps below.

To add a custom flyer link:  

Step 1: Log in to the client panel

Step 2: Click on the tour you are adding the custom flyer to.

*The tour will need to be “live” for you to have this functionality

Step 3: Click Settings and add your link into the Branded or Unbranded Flyer URL. Here is where you can add a branded and unbranded custom flyer link. This will automatically overwrite the existing flyer created by your provider

* Make sure that the unbranded flyer link does not include any branding.

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