Step 3: Customizing Your Tour

There are quite a few customizations you can make to your tours and account. This tutorial will go over many of the common customizations you may want to make on your first tour. 

In this article

To begin editing your tour, go to the tours tab and select Edit. The following options can be customized under the Info tab:

The video slideshow mode (Ken Burns Effect)

To apply the Video Slideshow Mode to your images, scroll to “Video Slideshow Mode” and select On. Using this effect will give motion to your photos in your tour. 


Design Customizations

All tours default to the Lattice design. However, we do have several other designs you can choose from. To preview them, scroll to Tour Setup, then Design, and select a design from the drop-down menu. Next, click on Preview Design. A new tab/window will open up, showing you this new design. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit page to select Save once you’ve found the design you like. More on how to change and edit your design can be found HERE


If you have already added your sponsors to your account, scroll to the Info Tab's Sponsors section and select your sponsor from the drop-down. Then scroll to the bottom and Save.


If you have no sponsors available, you can follow these instructions on adding your Sponsor. 

*Once you have completed this, you can return to your tour, select edit, then complete the steps to update the sponsor for that tour.

Adding / Changing the Music on Your Tour

To add music, select the Edit option for your tour and click on the Music Tab.

We have several music options to choose from; however, you can upload your own music if desired. To do this, click on Choose File next to “upload a new mp3. Once you have selected your file, click Save. This will automatically update your tour with the new music choice.


Delivering Your tour

If you would like, you can preview your tour at any time during your customization. Now that you have fully customized your tour, you are ready to deliver it.


To deliver a tour, click Delivery Manager. Next, select Tour & Photos in the top left of the window and then deliver in the bottom right. Each published tour is 15 credits. If you’d like only to publish the photos (and not a tour), select Photos Only in the top left of the window and then deliver in the bottom right. Photos Only are only 3 credits. 

Here's where the magic happens! Tourbuzz has created an extremely efficient method to collect payment from your clients DIRECTLY from the delivery workflow. To take advantage of this feature, you will need to connect with Stripe. To learn more and get started today, read our article How To Start Collecting Payment With Stripe.


Once you click deliver, you will be brought to the Announcement Email page. Here you can edit who this email announcement will be sent to and the content of the message. You will also have the option to skip if you would not like an announcement email sent out at this time.


Your tour is now delivered! You can edit the tour at any time by going to your Tours page and selecting Edit next to the tour you would like to modify. Saved modifications are updated in real-time to your existing tour.

View Our Tutorial video on Step 3: Customizing Your Tour


*available in various language subtitles
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